A multifuntional zero contact ‘waiter calling’ tool for instant TABLE SERVICE, including digital menus and paperless customer sign in function.
Helping hospitality and leisure businesses resume trading at lower costs whilst still providing the same great customer service with reduced staffing.
Popular amongst beer gardens, sun terraces, rooftop bars, indoor and outdoor pubs and restaurants, hotels, beach clubs and beach resorts, private yachts and conference rooms all around the world.

How does it work?

Customers simply point at and scan the BuzzCode from their table using their own smartphone camera or our Buzz2Get app and hit one of the available service buttons.
You can even automate data collection by making the customer fill in a basic contact form before they can request any service.
Their request appears instantly on your BuzzStation, alerting your staff to attend them.
In our client's words
getWaiter! is an advanced version of the old ‘SERVICE BELL’. It allows customers to call for table service as and when they need it.
Some of our client’s refer to it as ‘AN EXTRA PAIR OF EYES’ because it supports their waiting staff during peak times and encourages customers to repeat orders given that little bit of extra simplicity when trying to get the waiter’s attention.
Others found getWaiter! IRREPLACEABLE when used in services that offer high level of privacy or exclusivity.

What results can you expect?
getWaiter! helps businesses to comply with social distancing parameters ensuring that as the lockdown eases both: employees and customers safety continues to be handled with upmost care.
The tool also supports operational performance by addressing 3 main pressure points and helping you to:
Reduce customer wait times, increase the number of repeat orders and deliver an even better customer experience
How to get started
STEP 1: Order getWaiter! – Here’s what’s included:
We offer a subscription based service priced at £25 (US $35) per month with a minimum sign on for 4 months. The service includes:
- the set up of your account
- access to our BuzzStation app (FREE to download)
- a PDF with set of pre-generated BuzzCodes for up to 100 tables (each BuzzCode is unique and gets assigned to 1 table)*
- a bespoke QR code for customer sign to display at your venue’s entrance
STEP 2: Download the BuzzStation app onto a WiFi enabled tablet and log in using your new account details
Our BuzzStation is designed to receive your customer’s service requests and show you the location and the time that they were made. The app displays information in real time and therefore must stay open and be visible to your staff at all times. The BuzzStation is also compatible with smartphones.
STEP 3: Print out and display the issued BuzzCodes on your tables
You will have to purchase a set of acrylic or glass coasters to put your BuzzCodes in (similar to these), unless you have a different idea on how you wish to display them.
STEP 4: And Finally – Tell your staff and customers about the service
Introducing getWaiter! to you customers is as important as telling your entire staff about it, so make sure your staff knows how our service works and gets used to keeping an eye and responding to requests on the BuzzStation.
Bespoke Enquiries
Want to use getWaiter! for operations bigger than 100 tables, in multiple locations or enquire about setting up additional service buttons? Great, just call or send us an email a let’s get talking.
*** You may have known us previously by this logo: ***

Key Features
Quick and Easy Set Up
Our service is really simple to run and the set up requires minimal effort or resources
Stand-alone Service
getWaiter! works independently of any IT systems making it risk-free and cost-neutral to run
Language Options
With clients all around the world, we can customise the language on our buttons
Our Buzzcodes come with a set of buttons, however you can customize and change them upon request